Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Sales Process in Business Today

Professional Sales is all About Solving Problems

In professional sales today it is easy to get confused or diverted in the complexity of the job.  Things don’t need to be complex; the best salespeople solve problems for their clients in a simple and direct way.  When you really understand that, you can see the ways to improve your career.

Consider these questions:
  • What problems are out there today now to solve in your industry?
  • Can you solve those problems better than your competitors?  If so how?
  • Do your customers or clients know that they have a problem to solve?
Three simple questions like this can lead to opportunity and business growth providing you really know the answers.
The sales opportunities open up for you when you can deliver a logical solution that helps your clients in some form or another.  ‘Logic’ supports the sales process in business today.  That could be in:
  • Shorter turnaround times
  • A better market share
  • Cost savings in processes or raw materials
  • Quality improvements in product or service
  • Deliverable strategies that help with customer service
Here are some valuable marketing ideas and concepts to help your sales positioning:
  1. Specialise more than you generalise.  When you specialise you create more value and lessen the impact of competitors from your market.  When you really are the ‘best of the best’, clients need you more than you need them.  That’s a great concept don’t you think?
  2. Have the best market information to use in your sales pitches and presentations.  Use comparisons and stories from the market to attract and drive the interest of your clients.  They like to know that others in your town or city have similar challenges; then they like to hear about successful outcomes.
  3. As a general rule don’t discount your prices unless absolutely necessary.  The only thing that should drive a discount is a client with repeating orders or large orders.  You can assess that when you strike a high value client.
  4. Take a strategic approach with your market so you connect with higher value clients or those that can be over time.
I go back to the point that a successful salesperson is generally a person that solves problems in a comprehensive and beneficial way for their clients.  Revisit your personal business plan to see if that is your focus.

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